We have over the years reviewed various offers in business and financial consulting industry. However, no organization has the luxury of unlimited resources and our proclivity for efficiency have identified the following sectors for particular concentration:
UNDERSTANDING LOCAL ECONOMIES Understanding local economies are invaluable to our commanding success. We have officers who have local knowledge in distinct markets and geography. The expert knowledge possessed by both local and executive level officers are regularly dialogued among our Executives, Associates and Consultants to form our operational decisions. The primary application in any project evaluation, falls first on the local Associates report. The Local Associate's report will dwell mostly on the local economic implications then the cultural implication, both will be assigned a ratio to determine the potential life or longevity of the project. On that basis the local report is factored into the calculus to determine the pay back period for the project expenditure and therefore the financial viability of the project, all others considered. Our funding facilitation operation are worldwide and have earned our combined Management Team an experience which spans well over 70 years covering major areas of the Financial Services Industry and Business Consulting Industry. The experience includes evaluation of financial papers that will eventually secure any long-term transaction. The source of the instrument is relevant in determining whether it will originate from our stock or a third party or be held by us or a third party in order to facilitate the closing of the transaction. |
FINANCIAL CONSULTING COMMODITIES TRADE MANAGEMENT: SPORTS MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC VEHICLES (FACTORY DIRECT) POWER PRODUCTION AND SALES EV CHARGING STATIONS (SALES AND INSTALLATION) ELECTRICT POWERPACK BATTERY (DISTRIBUTOR, INSTALLATION AND MANAGEMENT) HEALTHCARE SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING RAILWAYS HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING REAL ESTATE OIL AND GAS / LNG GEOGRAPHIC AREAOur geographic emphasis is on the ASEAN Economic Community which went into effect December 28, 2015; the largest single economic market ever outside of China and India in terms of consumption and potential for GDP growth capacity. We have positioned our resources to be a player in the new economic market with a presence in every single member country.